

Product type: PSSu H PLC1 FS SN SD M12-T


PSSu, head module, control system PSSu PLC, failsafe and standard, PL e, SIL CL 3, 2 M12 female connector 4-pin D-coded, SafetyNET p RTFN, Modbus/TCP, Raw UDP, Raw TCP, EtherNet/IP adapter, PROFINET IO DEVICE, SD card, M12 female connector, for increased environmental requirements.
  • Controller
  • PLC controllers
  • PSSuniversal - controllers
  • PSSuniversal - PLC Controller
Contact Person
Thomas Hoffmann
+49 305 201 4443
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Price: Please send request
Request Lead Time: ca. 1-2 Days
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Delivery Terms: FCA Berlin
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  • ZWOD Vertriebs und Logistik GmbH specializes in hard-to-find parts. Please send request a quote and save on 314071.
  • ZWOD Vertriebs und Logistik GmbH carries 4141 items from Pilz.
Multiples Of: 1
Product Specifications
Product AttributeAttribute Value
Weight0.37 KG / psc.
Commodity number
Country of origin
Dimensions (WxHxD)130x125.6x83.7 mm
EAN code
Product group7014
ram128 MB
approvalCE UKCA cULus Listed TÜV
etim versionETIM-7.0
gross weight420
profinet typeSlave
purpose of u1Module supply
purpose of u2Periphery supply
type of uint1DC
eclass versionECLASS-9.1
plug-in memorySD card
terminal styleplug-in
time deviation+/- 10s/day
humidity rating93 % r. h. at 40 °C
tolerance of u2-30 %/+25 %
purpose of uint1int. system voltage
application rangeStandard/failsafe
modbus cycle time2 ... 2 000 000 ms
multi programmingYes
user memory total4 MB
raw udp cycle time2 ... 2 000 000 ms
supply voltage (v)24 24
tolerance of uint1-2 %/+3 %
ambient temperature-40 70
broad band noise toEN 60068-2-64
connection terminalScrew terminal Spring-loaded terminal
emc to standard ...EN 61131-2 (Zone B)
eds file ethernet/ip00B5000C00010100.eds
etim reference groupEG000024
overvoltage categoryII
power consumption dc16
supply voltage 2 (v)24 24
iec 61131 programmingYes
cycle time ethernet/ip4...655 000 ms
non-volatile variablesYes
profinet certificationPNO
safetynet p cycle time2 ... 60 000 ms
acc. shock to standard115g
condensation permitted?ISO 16750-4
device type ethernet/ipAdapter
eclass reference feature27242208
flex. cond. c/s awg info24 - 12 AWG
profinet manufacturer id092Fh
nv user memory fs section382 kB
supported ethernet/ip rpi4...655 000 ms
type of supply voltage u1DC
type of supply voltage u2DC
uint1 short circuit proofYes
vibration to standard ...EN 60068-2-6
perm. operating height asl5000 m
climatic suitability to ...EN 60068-2-30 EN 60068-2-2 EN 60068-2-1 EN 60068-2-78 EN 60068-2-14
connector type profinet i/fM12
safetynet transmission rate100 MBit/s
connector type safetynet i/fM12
settable trans.rate profinet100 MBit/s
setting safetynet trans.rateAutomatic
trans. rate setting profinetAutomatic
clearance & creepage dist. toEN 61131-2 EN 60664-1
climatic suitability standardEN 60068-2-78
cycle time profinet io device4 ... 512 ms
potential isolation 1 betweenPeriphery and module supply
potential isolation 2 betweenPeriphery supply & system V.
type of potential isolation 1Functional insulation
type of potential isolation 2Functional insulation
weee classifikation (08/2018)5 devices (feed size < 50cm)
bridge u-interrupt uint1 stan.EN 61131-2 EN 61496-1
housing material lower sectionPC
max. curr. contin. oper. uint12
pollution degree clear.&creep.2

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